SpamFighter Standard review is a free anti-spam tool, helping users eliminate annoying emails such as spam from our inboxes.
SpamFighter relies on reports sent in from more than 550,000 users around the globe, with each message considered spam by multiple recipients being automatically distributed among all active copies of SpamFighter and block by them automatically – meaning redundant email may never even reach user mailboxes with Spamfigter users! Spamfigter supports Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail/Live Mail/Thunderbird platforms.
Installation takes place online.
The free Standard version, at the bottom of every message a textual display notifying of SPAMfighter usage and amount of spam dealt with as well as encouraging its download can be seen, with links encouraging its installation.
System Information
- Manufacturer : SPAMfighter
- License : Freeware
- Operating System : Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10