Logicly download for windows is a user-friendly simulation of electronic circuits that is based upon logic gates. Furthermore, the software permits to use flip-flops and also as control elements, different types of switches, light bulbs and an LCD.
The program lets you construct simple circuits, in which the current’s presence is continuously monitored on a regular basis, and then displayed to the user in appropriate colours. To accomplish this the program makes use of the process of analyzing the outcomes of logical functions that are implemented by the various types of functors utilized. Since parts are dynamic, they may be rotated or moved to enhance the clarity of the diagram that you draw.
Because of its ease of use, and its pre-installed example programs, Logicly is a great tool for those who wish to begin their journey into electronics or understand the inner workings of flip-flops and logic gates which are the fundamental elements of a variety of electronic circuits as well as registers.
The program is also beneficial as a simulator which lets you examine the circuit designed by the user prior to using it. This can help avoid committing errors while working on physical parts which will in turn improve safety at work and also shield electronic components from being damaged.
A trial Version of this program is accessible at this link as a web-based app with limitations.
The trial edition was restricted to 30 days.
- Producer : Joshua Tynjala
- License : Trial
- Operating System : Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10